Chile’s National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) follows two broad strategic objectives:
- promoting the training of human capital,
- strengthening Chile’s scientific and technological base.
Both pillars are supported in a cross–cutting manner by a division of scientific information and an international relations unit. For over 40 years, CONICYT has been present in each of the initiatives that have been launched to support science and technology in Chile, directing its efforts towards the ultimate goal of contributing to the country’s economic, social, and cultural progress. Strengthening and developing Chile’s scientific and technological base implies an active policy of encouraging scientific research and technological development in all regions of the country, both at the individual and the partnership level, and among beginners and experienced professionals. It also means supporting research centers of excellence, partnerships between scientific researchers and productive sectors, and research in priority and public interest areas.
Playa Ancha University of Educational Sciences is a university in Chile. The Engineering Faculties has worked and collaborated in analyzing potential Natural Hazards in Central Chile.